Our Tutors

Some details about tutors

logo of Lengua Academia Spanish inline school
this is a Spanish tutor Jose

Jose Antonio

29 years old, tutor of Spanish language with 5 years’ experience

More than 30 of his students passed the international Spanish language test with a perfect score.

this is a Spanish tutor Maria

Maria Alba

35 years old, professor at the University of Barcelona, and Spanish tutor at lengua academia received more than 100 positive feedback from students.

More than 50 of his students passed the international Spanish language test with a perfect score.

this is a Spanish tutor Diego

Diego Basco

27 years old, tutor of Spanish language from Spain, become professional with a native speaker

A lot of his students passed the international Spanish language test with a perfect score.

this is a Spanish tutor Anna

Anna Casto

25 years old, tutor of Spanish language with 3 years’ experience.

this is a Spanish tutor Camila

Camila Chapa

20 years old, from student to Spanish tutor with Lengua Academia, received more than 15 positive feedback from students.

this is a Spanish tutor Maria

Pablo Forero

40 years old, professor at the University of Barcelona, all his students become successful in Spanish language.